An album made with love.

Named after inside joke / saying.

Released September 8, 2023

I was presented with a unique challenge during the summer of 2023:

Three months of long-distance dating.

During these three months, it felt as though the speed of days was halved and it became increasingly difficult to get through without feeling a tinge of yearning or sadness. It wasn’t a dramatic feeling of the world ending, it was more so an annoyance of the circumstances. To help lift myself out of the grayer feeling of things, I started composing songs that I would send to my girlfriend on any given day. From these songs, I thought of the idea of composing an album for our anniversary, and “The Citrus Tree” was the result of that endeavor.

Below is the album cover art, promotional flyers made for distribution at the album's release, and links to the project.

All art attached to this project was made by me.


Act 2: Lost At Sea