The First Act.

Act 1: Our Home Linosa is the first act of a(n imaginary) four-act series I created in the summer of 2021.

Released November 11, 2022

The idea behind the overarching story was created in 2021, but it would take me over a year to finish the first act to the story I created.

Act 1: Our Home Linosa” is the opening act to the series I’ve titled “Round the World, He’s Whole Again.” The series follows the story of Belac, a fisherman from the small Italian island of Linosa. This first act introduces Belac and his love, Pía, following them in their relationship to the end of the album where Belac sets sail one fateful day, starting the journey of the series and leading into “Act 2: Lost at Sea.

The goal of this series is to explore different orchestral sounds while keeping the overall feel in-tact throughout the four separate acts. I want them to feel connected, but not the same.

These albums are meant to be the soundtrack to the acts, played alongside the story as it unfolds. With that being said, I understand that the story being told is one that contains visuals that remain solely in my head, so the music also takes on the greater purpose of telling the story itself, to the best of its abilities. I attempt to introduce the story of Belac, Pía, their relationship, and the feel of the island of Linosa in this album.

The music from this Act was composed between 2020 and 2022 and it was my first true attempt at composing an orchestral project.

Below is the album cover art, a promotional poster made for the project, a portrait of Belac, and links to the project.

All art attached to this project was made by me.


Act 2: Lost At Sea